Are You Ready for Mosquito Season? Tips for Early Preparation

Arrow Pest Service
February 19, 2019

We all know mosquitoes are coming, yet we often don’t think about them until we…

We all know mosquitoes are coming, yet we often don’t think about them until we get the first bite of the year. Your Panama City exterminator can help get rid of mosquitoes inside and outside the home, but you’d probably prefer to keep them away in the first place!

Preventing Mosquitoes in Panama City

The local Department of Health stresses the importance of preventing mosquitoes. When the county sprays for mosquitoes, it’s meant as a “last line of defense” to stop the spread of disease. Consider prevention more successful for keeping your family safe.

  • Prevent stagnant water wherever you can around your home and yard:
  • Dump standing water from children’s toys and gardening equipment
  • Unclog roof gutters and make sure rainwater drains freely
  • Frequently change water in bird baths and fountains
  • Avoid using saucers under potted plants or dump any standing water regularly

Mosquito Fogging and Barriers

Monthly visits from the Panama City exterminator can turn your home or business into a mosquito-free zone and keep it that way. We offer fog treatments as well as the Mosquito Mist Away EFA System as an ongoing treatment to block and kill mosquitoes.

Before large gatherings like birthday parties and barbecues, we recommend getting an event treatment. We’ll send a Panama City exterminator to spray for mosquitoes and other flying insects shortly before the important day so people can relax!

Call Arrow Pest Control at 850-204-0318 to ask about our free inspection and customer-friendly treatment plans for mosquito control in Panama City.

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