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Frequently Asked Questions
To help answer some of your questions, we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to help give you answers quickly. If you still need help, give our office a call, and we will be happy to help.
Is It Safe for Our Kids & Pets?
It absolutely is safe for your kids. We would never apply anything in your home or around your home that is unsafe for your kids or pets. However, it is important that the products we treat your property with have a chance to set. During this short period, we recommend keeping kids and pests away to prevent accidental ingestion.
Do I Really Need a Termite Treatment?
The absolute answer is YES! You need a termite treatment plan because you live in Florida. Florida has 20 to 25 termite colonies per acre of land. It’s not a matter of “IF” you get termites; it’s a matter of “WHEN” you get termites. Another reason is your homeowner insurance. Most homeowner insurance policies do NOT cover termite damage, meaning when they attack, you will need to pay for all of the repairs.
Do Your Treatment Products Have an Odor?
Some of the products do have an odor, and some people are more sensitive to smells than others. Our goal is to make it as low-odor as possible to prevent the products from interfering with your ability to use your property freely. Having said that, treatment products have improved significantly over the years, including the odors of pest treatment products.
How long do your treatments last?
It depends. Due to the research and innovation in the pest control industry, these products will last about 90 days. This is why we recommend quarterly treatment plans to ensure you are always covered – and we will return to your property if you still have an issue in between services.
What are your services? What all do you treat?
Arrow Pest Service is a full-service pest control service, meaning if you have a problem with any type of bug whatsoever, Arrow Pest Service has a treatment plan ready to help you enjoy your property again.
Do I Need to Leave my House During the Treatment?
You do not have to leave your house when your house is being treated, but some treatments require that the treatment area remain uninterrupted until the treatment product has dried. During these treatments, we recommend leaving the house for 30 minutes to an hour, which is the time it takes to dry.