Can Carpenter Ants Damage My Home?

Arrow Pest Service
April 9, 2018

As we draw closer to spring, homeowners will often call us to report spotting signs…

As we draw closer to spring, homeowners will often call us to report spotting signs of damage around wood and sometimes the presence of large, black ants. In most cases, the culprits in question are common carpenter ants. While we have discussed at length how carpenter ants can cause damage when infesting, a large part of pest control involves correcting any conducive environmental conditions that can allow pests such as carpenter ants to thrive in your home.

So you may be asking: What conducive conditions should homeowners be on the lookout for?

Carpenter ants, like any pest, are attracted to certain food sources. Making these resources unavailable to pests can reduce the likelihood of their infesting your home. In the case of carpenter ants, these pests primarily feed on greasy substances. This will lead to feeding around pet foods, stovetops, trashcans, and other areas that collect oil and grease. Due to this, proper cleaning procedures can help to avoid attracting carpenter ants. This extends to areas outside of the home, such as bird feeders and pet food bowls. In some cases, carpenter ants can be attracted to these external sources and then grow into a much larger infestation throughout the home. Don’t let a carpenter ant infestation grow out of hand in your home. If you are seeing signs of pest infestation, call Arrow Pest Service, to perform an inspection.

At Arrow Pest Service, we have decades of experience providing pest control for the Panama City area. We offer a wide range of treatment options designed to safely target pests in your home and remove the problem quickly and completely!

So, if you have pests in your home, call us today at 850-204-0318!

Here’s to YOU living PEST FREE!

PS. Don’t forget to ask about our three-month FREE Pest Control Offer and one-month FREE Lawn Spraying!!!

PPS. Ask about our FREE Exclusive 58-Point Inspection!

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