Hotel Owners: What to Know About Bed Bugs so You Can Protect Your Guests

Arrow Pest Service
March 12, 2019

After a bed bug scare, hotel owners find themselves under tons of stress. Be proactive…

After a bed bug scare, hotel owners find themselves under tons of stress. Be proactive and get Panama City pest control on the scene immediately. Online reviews that mention bed bugs in a hotel can tank your reputation.

In some cases, hotel customers have successfully sued for damages related to stress and health problems. Even Disneyland has been sued for bed bugs!

Where to Look for Bed Bugs

You don’t have to wait until after dark to stake out bed bugs. They hide during the day in fabric or upholstered furniture. Grab a flashlight if the room is dim and inspect for bed bugs in places such as:

  • Underneath the mattress and box spring
  • Mattress covers and sheets
  • On upholstered chairs and sofas, especially near the seams
  • Inside of sleeper sofas
  • In closets where luggage or laundry has been kept

Prevent Bed Bugs in Hotels

Hotels can largely prevent bed bugs from spreading by inspecting rooms between guests and thoroughly washing all linens on high heat.

If a guest suspects bed bugs, tell them to place all their dirty laundry in airtight plastic bags. When they get home, they should wash everything and vacuum out their luggage.

Bed Bug Heat Treatment in Panama City

At Arrow Pest Service, we kill bed bugs with heat. This reduces or even eliminates the need for chemicals, and it’s highly effective.

Protect your business and guests with Panama City pest control services. Call 850-204-0318 to schedule an inspection and bed bug treatment today!

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