How to Identify the Ants You Are Seeing in Your Home or Office

Arrow Pest Service
May 14, 2019

When you live in Florida, ant problems are par for the course. When this time…

When you live in Florida, ant problems are par for the course. When this time of year rolls around, the question isn’t, will you have an ant problem? Instead it’s, what type of ant problem will you be dealing with this year? There’s no need to worry because your Panama City pest control specialists are here to help you get rid of them. But it helps to know what types of ants you might see in your home or office.

Ants That are Common for Florida

There are so many types of ants that are very common to our part of the country. They include: 

  • Ghost ants
  • Pyramid ants
  • White-footed ants
  • Fire ants
  • Big-headed ants
  • Acrobat ants
  • Thief ants
  • Tawny crazy ants

Any one of these ants can cause big problems. They can quickly become pests that are either a nuisance or that bite and/or sting you and your family or co-workers.

Choosing Your Panama City Pest Control Specialist

When you’re choosing to work with a Panama City pest control specialist, you want to make sure you opt for one that is experienced in dealing with these types of ants. It isn’t enough to just treat the infestation that you can see. They need to get to the heart of the problem and destroy the nest in order for the ant population to be eradicated. 

Ants may be a part of life in Florida, but they don’t have to be a part of your life. Contact us for assistance.

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