Swarming Termites

Arrow Pest Service
April 9, 2018

As the warm weather returns, so do many destructive pests. One of the most infamous…

As the warm weather returns, so do many destructive pests. One of the most infamous groups of pests, subterranean termites, begin to emerge once again as the warmer weather returns. During the wintertime, subterranean termites move deeper beneath the ground to survive the cold, and while an active infestation can feed during the winter, it is difficult for the colony to expand until the return of warmer weather. During the late spring and early summer, termites begin what is known as their “swarming season.” During this time, they release groups of winged alates, also known as swarmers, to mate and establish new colonies.

The question is, however, can these swarmers threaten your home?

To assess the threat of termite swarmers to your home, you must first confirm their identity. Termite swarmers differ in appearance from workers or soldiers. They are typically beige, cream, or black in coloration, and they have two large sets of wings. Termite swarmers are commonly mistaken for ant colony swarmers due to their similar appearance, but they can be distinguished by the shape and size of their wings. Ant swarmer species have uneven wings, and these can be contrasted by the perfect symmetry of the termite swarmer wings.

As stated above, termite swarmers are the reproductive members of the colony. They are, in a sense, the future kings and queens of satellite colonies. When they are released, termite swarmers will meet with swarmers from all local colonies. They will then mate and move to establish new nests. These nests will take time to develop, usually around 1-2 years. During this time, the queen will begin to hatch the first generations of workers, which will build and expand the nest. Though these new nests are not an immediate threat, they are essentially hidden traps lying in wait to attack your home. Though termite swarmers cannot directly attack your home, they are a sign that future termite activity is a likely possibility. Beyond this, there is also evidence that nearby colonies are active and expanding, and thus, it is possible an infestation has already reached your home.

If homeowners spot termite swarmers, what steps should they take to protect their homes?

Termites are extremely destructive. Their voracious feeding can cause significant damage to homes and other structures. As such, it is critical to identify any termite threats in their early stages. The best way to protect your home from termites is by having inspections and pretreatments performed on your home by a licensed pest control provider. A trained pest professional can identify even the most subtle signs of termite activity as well as any structural or environmental conditions that may be conducive to future infestation.

Even if you already have termite treatment products, such as bait station systems, around your home, it is still necessary to have these systems monitored and updated periodically. As such, you should consult with your pest control provider to ensure that the necessary steps are being taken to protect your home from pests.

We here at Arrow Pest Service have been a leading pest provider for the greater Panama City area for decades! We are termite experts, employing a variety of safe, targeted treatment options to eradicate the pest infestation at the source! All of our treatment comes backed by a customer satisfaction guarantee, so you can rest easy knowing that the treatment of your home is in good hands!

So don’t let pests roam free in your home another day! Call us at 850-204-0318!

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PPS. Ask about our FREE Exclusive 58-Point Inspection!

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